Amber Hill Parish Council

Equal Opportunities Policy


Adopted : 21st November 2022

What do we value?

•             We value people from all backgrounds and believe they have a right to be free from prejudice and discrimination.

•             We believe that while people are all different, they have an equal right to benefit from opportunities.

•             We recognise that discrimination can be overt or covert – open or hidden.

•             We endeavour not to discriminate on the grounds of : ability; age; colour; ethnic or national origin; gender; gender reassignment; intellect; marital status; nationality; race; religion or belief; sexual orientation; social or economic status (this is not an exhaustive list)

•             Equality of opportunities is an integral part of what we do, not an after-thought.


How will we do this?

People (members, staff, volunteers and users)

•             We challenge discriminatory comments, and support colleagues in challenging discriminatory comments.

•             We recognise that people on the receiving end of such behaviour may need support.

•             We welcome discussion with people with special requirements to identify how their needs might be met.

•             We make sure anyone providing information about discrimination is not victimised.



•             We ensure that any resources are balanced and reflect the diverse nature of the community.

•             We endeavour to ensure that any resources are as accessible as possible to all abilities/cultures/languages of the community.



•             We endeavour to hold these at a time and place suitable to the majority, if not to all.



•             We respect people’s dietary needs, whether these are cultural, medical or moral.


Employment and volunteering

•             We have a commitment to equal opportunities as part of any job description.

•             We advertise as widely as possible, in accordance with needs and resources.

•             We focus on ability, not disability.

•             We treat all applicants fairly.

•             We regularly review our procedures and application forms for staff and volunteers.

•             Volunteers are as respected and supported as members of staff.

•             We have an induction procedure for staff and volunteers



•             Staff and volunteers are encouraged to attend training relevant to their work.

•             We encourage staff and volunteers to look at their personal/career development.


Disability Discrimination Act:

•             We seek advice on making information and premises accessible under the DDA, where it is feasible to do so.

•             We seek advice on recruitment and employment issues as necessary under the DDA.


Monitoring and Reviewing

  • The make-up of volunteers, staff, users and participants endeavours to be inclusive of the whole community wherever possible.