As we start to see the first welcome signs of spring I'm continuing to work with organisations from the Environment Agency to Anglian Water to reflect on the lessons of Storms Babet and Henk. Constituents again suffered the terrible impact of flooding and whilst I'm pleased the work done in the Steeping Catchment in  Wainfleet meant this was far less widespread than in 2019 it is clear there is still work to be done, not least in empowering householders to make decisions about their own flood defences. I am glad that the Government has confirmed the Property Flood Resilience Grant will be made available to those flooded by Babet or Henk.

To help raise awareness of what measures are available to help with flood defence at property level I am holding a community flood defence update at Batemans Brewery Wainfleet. Full details are below, I hope to see some of you there.

Date: Friday 9th February 2024
Time: 2pm till 6pm
Venue: Bateman’s Brewery (PE24 4JE)
This is a partnership event with Cllr Bowkett, with support from the Environment Agency. Stuart Bateman has kindly provided the venue for the event.
In attendance will be-
The Steeping River Catchment Steering Group – Cllr Wendy Bowkett
The Environment Agency- Morgan Wray, Area Flood Risk Manager – Lincolnshire & Northamptonshire Area
Lincolnshire County Council - Matthew Harrison, Flood & Water Manager Lincolnshire County Council
Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA)- Robert Caudwell, Chair
Lincolnshire Community Foundation- Sue Fortune, Chief Executive
Citizens Advice 
National Farmers Union (NFU)- Gabriella Gregory, County Advisor South Lincs
RAB Consultants, resilience and flood risk
The Lincs Group
Lakeside Flood solutions
-and others
We are delighted to be bringing the Floodmobile to the event – a ‘house on wheels’ demonstrating over 50 flood adaptations
The Ox-Cam Pathfinder project - Introducing the Floodmobile - Creating a better place (
I will be available from 4-6pm on the day to chat to residents.
I look forward to welcoming you.


Kind regards,

 Matt Warman MP


Member of Parliament for Boston and Skegness


Published: Wednesday, 7th February 2024