Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 16th May 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Annual Parish meeting held on 16th May 2022


Present:                           Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn, Cllr Lucy Evans

Also Present:                  Cllr M Brookes (LCC), N Bush (Clerk)

Public Forum                  None


Meeting started 7.00 pm


22/059 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Jane Webb gave apologies, it was resolved to accept the apologies.


22/60 Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 15th March 2021 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above draft minutes.  They were confirmed as minutes and signed by Cllr CS.


22/061 To receive the report from Amber Hill WI

Due to Covid the Amber Hill WI during 2021 only held some Zoom Meetings, which a lot of members could not attend as not on email etc.

We held our Annual Meeting on Zoom and June Orford became our new president along with the previous committee, except for Elizabeth Gadd who stepped down.

We resumed face to face meetings in late Summer continuing into Autumn with various speakers: Re-cycled Materials; a Chiropodist and Podiatrist; Pork Pie Making and our Annual Birthday Party.

Due to covid no trips were organised and as there were no meetings in the previous year no monies raised for our charity.

We now look forward to a year of normality.

June Orford






22/062 To receive the report from Amber Hill Playing Field

2022 Amber Hill Playing Field Annual Report.

We were delighted to be given a £1000 grant by Boston Borough Council earlier this year and along with part of the money raised in 2019 at the Fashion Show we decided that we should update some of the playing field equipment.

The work is due to start within the next few weeks, and will include a replacement toddlers swing, repairing the kickboard by the net ball frame and at long last, nets for the goalposts. 

We still need a few new committee members and I hope to be standing down as Chairman at our next AGM, after 22 years, but I will remain on the committee.

Chairman of the Trustees
Jane Webb


22/063 To receive any further reports

None received


22/064 To receive the Chairman’s Report on Parish Council Activities for the past year

Thank you once again to my fellow Parish Councilors for giving their time and efforts in support of their local community and to our Parish Clerk Nicky for all her hard work, guidance and putting up with us. Thankfully we have moved on from the dreaded zoom meetings and have enjoyed a year of more normal social interaction.

Crime has been largely based around hare coursing and burglaries.  Although laws have tightened on hare coursing recently, they appear to have no fear of the police and little regard for the safety of the general public or their property.

Work on the Viking Link cable route continues, with a stretch of tarmac coming soon to the Claydyke Bank.

We have seen a lot of planning applications relating to barn conversions this year and it will be interesting to see how these old grain sheds change into houses.

Proposals are going through at present for planning of a large solar farm at East Heckington on our Parish boundary.  We raised concerns that although we need energy, this would be a loss of prime arable soil for growing food and that solar farms would be more suitable on much poorer soils.

Proposed Parliamentary electoral boundary changes would mean Amber Hill being part of the South Lincolnshire constituency and we have made our objections known.

We have co-opted Lucy Evans this year to the Parish Council, and she has brought new energy and enthusiasm.  Thank you, Lucy.

Speeding issues continue on Sutterton Drove with taxi drivers largely to blame.

The precept has been raised to £3674 for the coming year.


Cllr C Stephenson

Meeting closed 7.05 pm
