Parish Meeting Minutes 16 March 2020

Minutes Of The Meeting Of Amber Hill Annual Parish Meeting Held On 16th March 2020

Present:                           Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Sheryl Fraser

Also Present:                  Cllr G Cornah (Borough)

Public Forum:                None

Meeting started 7.00 pm

19/084 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs M Brookes. C Sharman and J Webb gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies


19/085 Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 18th March 2019 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above draft minutes. They were confirmed as minutes and signed by the Chairman Cllr C Stephenson


19/085 To receive the report from Amber Hill WI

Amber Hill WI meet at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre at 7.30 on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We continue to thrive with a good membership of a range of ages. This year we celebrated our 84th Birthday and at our party were entertained by Coningsby Military Wives Choir who were brilliant.

Around 100 members from other WI`s joined us from around the area. A ploughman`s supper of Quiche or Pork pie and salad followed by homemade sweets was enjoyed by all. This is all prepared and served by our members.

Our bring and buy charity stall this year raised funds for Boston Women`s Aid. We had a guided tour of the Gliderdrome in Boston followed by a meal at Eagles Restaurant and had two outings. One was to Bakewell in Derbyshire during the morning and in the afternoon a visit to Hope House Costume Museum where a talk was given by the owner entitled `Hope House recreates Downtown Abbey` then a meal was enjoyed before the return journey. The other outing was to Hambletons bakery near Oakham, there was time for some retail therapy before enjoying a meal before the return Journey home.

Our wide range of speakers have told us of the history of food, hilarious tales from a driving instructor, natural health tonics, infamous women of Lincolnshire, how to make cards and boxes and how beer is brewed, with sampling by some members, a talk from a local butcher with tasting and a talk on fire safety in the home.

At our harvest festival evening we had a fish and chip supper followed by the auction of plants etc and for our Christmas Party we had jacket potato with various fillings followed by sweets, all provided and served by the committee. Several members attended the Spring Council which was held at Springfields, Spalding and is enjoyed by around 700 members from the Lincs South area. This year the main speaker was Eddie the Eagle Edwards which was very entertaining.

Another very busy and enjoyable year. Cindy Smith, president of Amber Hill W I


19/086 To receive the report from Amber Hill Playing Field

The Playing Field Committee held the charity fashion show in Swineshead Village Hall April 2019, it was very successful, and we raised 662.80 pounds including all the donations etc thanks, to all the volunteers.

We currently have 2,919.27 pounds in the bank and we have 4 parishioners who between them pay in a total of 11 pounds per month by direct debit.

Last year throughout the growing season Chris Firth`s men made a great job of cutting the grass without me having to prompt them. 

We have an estimate of 480.00 pounds from Chris Firth to cut the hedge & trees back along the side of the park, but due to the bad weather unfortunately we are still waiting for the work to be carried out.

We have the play equipment professionally checked annually and the overall risk is low.

After an appeal on the Amber Hill Community facebook page, Jackie Holmes kindly volunteered to walk around the park weekly to pick up rubbish and check everything is ok. She often puts a few comments on facebook which often has effect.

Nigel Hardy has volunteered to mend the gate, when the weather improves.

We had planned on holding another Fashion Show on April 28th, but obviously the Coronavirus has put this into doubt, we now hope to postpone until later in the year or 2021.

Jane Webb Chairman


19/087 To receive any further reports

None received

19/088 To receive the Chairman`s Report on Parish Council Activities for the past year

Thank you to my fellow Councillors for all their support during the past year and to our Parish Clerk Nicky for her support and guidance. There have been several minor incidents of crime during the year, but unfortunately, no attendance by a PCSO at a meeting.

The Tritton Knoll cable route project is in progress but has been delayed in its completion by the prolonged wet weather. Fibre optic cable has been rolled out along the Claydyke and Maryland Bank.

After many reports of speeding by taxi drivers and school staff members, the County Council and the Pilgrim School have been contacted over the matter.

Two streetlights in the village have now been replaced. Councillors recently attended an open meeting at Brothertoft regarding a planning application to turn Boston West golf course into a site based on the Centre Parcs concept, with up to 300 static caravans. Concerns were made to the planning department over traffic issues at Hubberts Bridge and water supply and sewage capacity.

The precept has been raised to 3,419 pounds for the coming year.


Meeting closed 7.10 pm



Signed: Cllr C Stephenson (In the chair)