Minutes 18th November 2019
Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 18th November 2019
Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Sheryl Fraser
Also Present: Cllr Georges Cornah (Borough Cllr)
Public Forum: 2 residents
Meeting started 7.02 pm
19/058 Chairman’s remarks.
19/059 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr M Brookes (LCC) at meeting, Cllr J Webb unwell, & Cllr Chelcei Sharman (Borough) gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies
19/060 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllrs RH, RB & NH declared an interest in item 12 Playing Field Hedge Cutting.
19/061 Police report.
Apologies received from PCSO Williams stating no incidents since the last meeting.
Cllrs reported that there had in fact been some incidents, these included Hare Coursing and also one tonne of soil being deposited on the road by a resident
It was resolved that the Clerk would reply to PCSO Williams asking why these had not been included in his report.
Action: Clerk to reply to PCSO Williams regarding incidents reported by Cllrs
19/062 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 16-09-19 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes. They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
19/063 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 08.11.19.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
12/09/2019 |
Interest |
0.27 |
12/10/2019 |
Interest |
0.22 |
01/10/2019 |
Precept |
1,684.50 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
30/09/2019 |
Pay and PAYE |
0.00 |
31/08/2019 |
Malc Firth - Grass Cutting |
220.80 |
30/09/2019 |
Malc Firth - Grass Cutting |
110.40 |
03/10/2019 |
Boston Borough Council |
76.34 |
31/10/2019 |
Pay and PAYE |
150.00 |
06/09/2019 |
N BUSH - Stationery |
3.00 |
18/11/2019 |
Hubberts Bridge Community Centre |
24.00 |
Total |
584.54 |
The Clerk reported that the seconded precept payment has now been received. It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
19/064 Planning:
Planning Applications
B/19/0407 Single Storey rear extension at Amber Hill House, Sutterton Drove
Consultation carried out as per delegation 3w of the standing orders. Cllr EG declared an interest and no comments or concerns were reported by either Councillors or residents and this was reported to the Planning department.
Consultation carried out as per delegation 3w of the standing orders. No comments or concerns were reported by either Councillors or residents and this was reported to the Planning department
Planning Decisions
B/19/0279 Erection of summer house, carport & garage buildings at Bluebell House, Lineside remote consultation
Decision Granted
B/19/0316 Erection of single storey extension to the existing outrigger including the installation of a replacement flat roof, new folding door and attachment of timber cladding and render to the exterior at Amber Hill House, Sutterton Drove
Decision Granted with conditions Roof materials must be similar to those of existing building
Action: None
19/065 Correspondence
Email Weekly newsletter for 09/09/19 Nothing of interest |
Clerks & Councils Direct |
Mail Newsletter |
Email Changes to Highways providers Emailed to Cllrs 13/9/19 |
Mail Copy of Annual report |
Email Adoption of Minerals and Waste policy Emailed to Cllrs 19/9/19 |
Email Weekly newsletter for 23/09/19 Nothing of interest |
Email Remittance advise for precept. 27/9/19 |
Lincs Safety Partnership |
Email Response to letter sent outlining actions Emailed to Cllrs 2/10/19 |
Lives |
Mail letter of thanks received from Lives Emailed to Cllrs 2/10/19 |
Email Parish Newsletter Sept 19 Emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 2/10/19 |
Email Weekly newsletter for 14/10/19 Nothing of interest |
Malc Firth |
Email Quote for playing field |
Power for People |
Email Council motion request re national community energy campaign |
Boston Borough Council |
Email Notice of Election Posted on Website & facebook 08/11/19 |
The Clerk responded that both Cllr SF & JW had replied to say they would like to attend the BBC liaison meeting. It was resolved that the Clerk would book them in for the meeting.
Action: Clerk to confirm Cllrs SF and JW would be attending the Liaison meeting.
19/066 Clerks report.
Planning Applications B/19/0316 Erection of extension, Amber Hill House 17/9/19 comments submitted to Planning dept 30/9/19 Decision Received Favourable with conditions
B/19/0127 Erection of Summer house, Carport & Garage, Blue Bell House 7/10/19 Decision received Favourable with conditions
B/19/0018 2 Storey development May Cottage, Chapel Lane Mobile home permission 19/7/19 Email sent to Alan Watts, Enforcement Officer regarding temporary mobile home 19/9/19 emailed Alan for an update 25/9/19 reply received and emailed to Cllrs |
Speed Awareness 19/9/19 Uploaded poster again asking for volunteers No volunteers have come forward as yet |
Speeding in the village 19/9/19 Email sent to PCSO Williams regarding speeding and safeguarding concerns 25/9/19 reply received and forwarded to Cllrs 19/9/19 Letter sent to Ian Swallow at Lincs Road Safety Partnership re cross roads 2/10/19 reply received outlining current and future actions |
Overgrown trees 19/9/19 Letters sent to Residents asking them to cut back trees Cllrs confirmed that some of these had not yet been cut back and it was resolved that the clerk would contact the Highways Department. In addition, it was raised that the Trees on the verges of Sutterton Drove initially planted by Lincs County Council were also protruding onto the highways and some of these also needed to be cut back as they can cause a hazard when two vehicles pass each other in those areas. |
Pathway cutting 19/9/19 Emailed to chase up on requests |
Fly tipping 19/9/19 reported to Boston Borough Council Cllrs reported that some had now been removed but they were unsure about the Fridges that were in the dyke. It was resolved that Cllr RB would check and report back to the Clerk who would chase up if they had not been removed. |
Precept Received |
Cllr M Brookes has reported that the design for the new Amber Hill sign has now been approved, the order placed, and it will be erected within the next 3 months
Action: Clerk to contact Highways regarding the overhanging hedges and trees and to follow up on the fly tipping if necessary.
19/067 2020-2021 Budget Planning and Risk Assessment
The Clerk presented a proposed budget for 2020/21 based on the current year’s figures. The Councillors went through the figures and agreed and adjusted them as necessary.
The Chairman then asked that they go into a closed session and asked that the Clerk also leave to enable them to discuss her renumeration.
The Clerk and Public then returned and the Clerk was then informed there would be a pay rise in line with inflation and the budget was then adjusted to this.
The Clerk then summarised the final precept figure of £3419.00 an increase of £50 on the current year. This was proposed by Cllr EG, seconded by Cllr SF and agreed unanimously by all other councillors.
The Fixed asset register was reviewed, and it was resolved there are no changes.
The Risk register was discussed, and the Election costs section revised in line with the budget changes agreed earlier.
Action: Clerk to complete precept request with this figure when it is received. Clerk to update the Risk Register and publish the change.
19/068 Hedge Cutting at Playing Field (JW)
Cllr JW has obtained a quote for cutting back and trimming the hedges at the playing field and has asked that it be paid by the Parish Council and the donation sent to the Parish Council to save on the cost of the VAT. It was resolved that this would be fine as there would be no financial implication to the budget.
Action: None
19/069 Items for inclusion at next meeting.
Clerk replacement equipment
Meeting Closed 7.59 pm
Date of next meeting: 20 January 2020 7.00 pm