EO Minutes 4th February 2020

Minutes of the extra ordinary meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 4th February 2020

Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn, Cllr Sheryl Fraser

Also Present: 1 Resident

Public Forum: Prior to the meeting the Parish Councillors and resident attended an open meeting at Brothertoft Village Hall where Applicant gave a presentation


Meeting started 8.35 pm


19/083 Chairman’s remarks.


19/084 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

None received

19/085 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


19/086 Planning:

B/19/0520 Hybrid planning application seeking:

Full planning permission for the part change of use of the golf course for the siting of caravans with associated works including landscaping, hardstandings and access routes; provision of a sales area including siting of "show units" and associated parking

Outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for the development of a "hub" building of up to 12,000sqm total floorspace to contain an ancillary reception/activity centre/spa (Class D2)/retail unit (up to 100sqm)/ food and beverage (Classes A1, A4 and A5) and facilities management and ancillary works; and provision of a sales building and associated works at Boston West Golf Centre, Langrick Road, Hubberts Bridge, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3SG

Following discussion all Councillors were in favour of this development as it will bring income and employment to the area and will protect wildlife.

However, the following concerns were raised

Main concern is traffic due to current tailbacks would be increasing and there have been numerous accidents at the junction with the A1121 Boardsides

Concern over lack of footpaths and crossing of the main road for visitors wishing to go the Wheatsheaf Pub or the train station.

Water Supply and sewage as there is no plan to tap into the mains service

Will the number of sites be capped as concern raised that once the initial application for 300 had been approved as this may be difficult to object to at a later date.

The applicant was under the impression that there was a regular bus service running into Boston however the bus is only a school bus service

Councillors were sceptical with the employment figure quoted of 106 full time employees.

Concerns that the site may be used for Touring caravans in the interim period until the permanent caravans are in place and Councillors would not give their approval for touring caravans at any time.

Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


Meeting Closed 9.15 pm