Draft Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 13th January 2025
Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton, Cllr Nigel Hardy
Also Present: N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Suzanne Welberry (Borough Cllr) Cllr Stuart Evans (Borough)
Public Forum: None
Meeting started 7.05 pm
24/727 Chair’s remarks.
Cllr CS welcomed everyone.
24/728 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
24/729 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
24/730 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 18-11-24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chair Cllr CS
24/731 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 05.01.25.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
11/11/2024 |
Interest |
8.13 |
09/12/2024 |
Interest |
6.91 |
Total |
15.04 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
31/12/2024 |
Pay and PAYE - December 24 |
230.00 |
13/01/2025 |
Hubberts Bridge Community Centre 13th Jan 2025 |
24.00 |
Total |
254.00 |
The clerk informed the councillors that she had not yet sourced an alternative bank, however we will need to keep the Lloyds account until after the precept has been received in April as the bank details have already been submitted to Boston Borough Council.
The budget to date was reviewed, currently the council is still under budget and the bank reconcilliation was confirmed with the bank balances as follows:
Lloyds Current Account £305.08 Lloyds Deposit Account £9,008.30
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and a transfer of funds from the savings account of £500 be made to meet up and coming liabilities.
24/732 Planning:
B/24/0484 – Proposed manege and fencing at Land off, Sutterton Drove
Carried out by remote consultation with not comments or concerns submitted to Planning department
Planning Decisions
B/24/0417 – Construction of 2 no new buildings for plant/machinery, storage and workshop and siting of photovoltaic panels (work already started) at Foutain Plants Ltd, Line side
Favourable with conditions
B/24/0228 - Construction of 1 no. new dwelling including change of use of agricultural land to residential. Change of use of exisiting agricultural building to be used for residential storage at Land to the North of Harrisons Drove
No decision as yet.
Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm-
Action: Cllr SE agreed to check with planning regarding B/24/0228
24/733 Correspondence
Email - Weekly newsletters |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Newsletters |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - Newsletter |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - Parish Council Liaison meeting notes - Oct 24 |
Lincs Police |
Email - Boston Policing Plan |
Richard Tice |
Email - invitation to meet |
Lincs Police |
Email - Neighbourhood policing priorities |
Asda Foundation |
Email - Playing area funding for 2025 |
Neighbourhood Police |
Email - January 2025 Neighbourhood Policing Priorities |
Clerks and Councils Direct |
Mail - Newsletter |
Action: None.
24/734 Clerks report including police report.
Police Report
Bank Account
Defib Light
Precept request
Cllr N Hardy agreed to source light for defibrillator
Action: None.
24/735 Matters arising
Cllr NH raised concerns about the recent flooding and the decommissioning of the pumping station.This is the responsibility of the Environment Agency, who up until now have refused to reinstate the pumping station.It was resolved that the Council would take up the offer of meeting with Richard Tice and raise the concern with him, as we have previously raised this with Lincs County Council, but they have no power over the Environment Agency.
Concerns were also raised regarding the large number of muntjac deer in the area at present and the risk to motorists.It was resolved that a warning post would be put on facebook for residents and the clerk to contact highways to see if it is possible to have signage to warn non residents of the risk when entering the area.
Action: Clerk to arrange meeting with Richard Tice and contact highways regarding signage
24/736 Trees
Cllr EP raised concerns over trees rubbing against electricity lines, he has contacted National Grid but nothing has been done yet. Cllr CS advised to just keep contacting them until they come and sort it.
Action: None
24/737 Items for inclusion at next meeting
Action: None
Meeting Closed 7.55 pm
Date of next meeting: 17 March 2025 7.00 pm
Signed: (In the chair)