Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 18th November 2024

Present:                       Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton

Also Present:               N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Suzanne Welberry (Borough Cllr) Cllr Stuart Evans (Borough)

Public Forum:              None


Meeting started 7.00 pm


24/715 Chair’s remarks.

Cllr EG welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending the remembrance ceremony.


24/716 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs Chris Stephenson and Nigel Hardy gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.

Cllr M Brooks also advised that he would be unable to attend.


24/717 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


24/718 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 23-09-24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Vice Chair Cllr EG.


24/719 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 08.11.24.


Source of Income

Total Amount


Precept - 2nd payment










Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount


N Bush - 2 reams of paper



Malc Firth - September 24



V Clark - Interim internal audit



Malc Firth - October 24



Pay and PAYE - October 24



Hubberts Bridge Community Centre 18th Nov 2024






The clerk informed the councillors that Lloyds bank have written to say they will be changing our account to a community account from 14th January 2025. There will be a monthly £4.25 maintenance fee, and charges for transactions, however there will be 100 free electronic transactions each month so the only charge will be the monthly charge totalling £51 per year. After discussion it was resolved to write to Lloyds bank as this will have an impact on each year’s budget.  It was resolved that the Clerk would look at other banks that do not charge fees and following suggestions from Cllr GW look at savings accounts with much better interest rates, as the Lloyds ones are very low.


The budget to date was reviewed, currently the council is still under budget and the bank reconcilliation was confirmed with the bank balances as follows:

Lloyds Current Account   £763.77        Lloyds Deposit Account   £8,993.26

Internal audit report, the clerk discussed the items on the audit report all of which have now been rectified.


It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. 

Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments and research into changing banks and moving the savings.


24/720 Planning:

B/24/0417 – Construction of 2 no new buildings for plant/machinery, storage and workshop and siting of photovoltaic panels (work already started) at Foutain Plants Ltd, Line side

No comments or concerns

Planning Decisions

B/24/0228 - Construction of 1 no. new dwelling including change of use of agricultural land to residential. Change of use of exisiting agricultural building to  be used for residential storage at Land to the North of Harrisons Drove

No decision as yet.

Wiltrans Appeal – The appeal has now finalised with the the decision standing, although allowing an extension on the time to leave and restore the site .

Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm-

Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


24/721 Correspondence


Email - Weekly newsletters

Lincs County Council

Email - Newsletters

Boston Borough Council

Email - Newsletter

Lincolnshire CF

Email - Invite to Grass roots celebrations

Lincs Reservoir Team

Email - update on programme changes

Environment Agency

Email - Operational checks

Lloyds Bank

Mail - Reduction in savings rate

Boston Borough Council

Email - Gambling Policy consultation

Lincs Police

Email - Quarterly Update

Boston Borough Council

Email - UKIM Mosque open day

Cemetery Warden

Call - Regarding scaffolding encroaching on graveyard

Clerks & Councils Direct

Mail - Newsletter


Action: None.


24/722 Clerks report including police report.


  • Land North of Harrison Drove
    • 16/07/24 Submitted comments
    • Planning dept contacted S Evans regarding out comments and these were fed back to him
  • Wiltrans Appeal
    • Decision still stands - time to disperse extended to 12 months
  • Ecotricity - Wind farm
    • 26/09/23 Email regarding timetable outcome

Police Report

  • None for September, no further data

Bank Account

  • Requested re-submited to add Cllr CS onto online banking


  • Letter of thanks send to Swineshead Parish Council
  • Added to insurance policy
  • Wigtoft have emailed to say they do not want to share it

Defib Light

  • Permission received from School to put up solar light


The clerk presented details of a solar light for the defibrillator.  Due to the location, one is needed with the solar panel separate to the light.  Further lights will be researched

Action: None Clerk to look at alternative lights.


24/723  Matters arising

Cllr Evans reported that the process for electing a Mayor for Greater Lincolnshire is now underway.  He confirmed the Christmas celebrations are now underway, and a tree has been donated by Metza.

Cllr EP raised concerns regarding electricity cables sparking due to foliage, the clerk suggested contacting the Western Power to advise them as they regularly check and cut back trees where they affect lines

Action: Clerk to contact Western Power.


To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following confidential staffing and legal matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage

It was resolved to go into a closed session and Cllrs SW and SE left the meeting.


24/724 Clerks appraisal

The performance review was fed back to the Councillors along with administrative actions to continue to ensure the council is performing correctly, the clerks pay review was discussed and agreed for the year 2025-26.

Action: None


24/725 Budget planning 2025-26

The Clerk presented the draft budget and highlighted areas for discussion, which were then agreed upon line by line.  The Clerk was then asked to leave the room while the Cllrs discussed the clerks pay for the coming year.

The Budget was then finalised. Budget expenditure of £3,664, revenue of £250 and the precept of £3,914.00 was proposed by Cllr RB, seconded by Cllr GW with all other councillors voting in favour.

Action: Clerk to complete precept form once received and return to Boston Borough Council in January



24/726 Items for inclusion at next meeting


Action: Clerk to add to the agenda


Meeting Closed 8.10 pm


Date of next meeting:  13 January 2025  7.00 pm




Signed:                                                                                       (In the chair)