Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 15th March 2021.


Present:               Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn,

Also Present:       Cllr Mike Brookes (County Cllr) Cllr C Trafford (Borough Cllr), Cllr G Cornah (Borough Cllr)

Public Forum:             


Meeting started 7.05 pm via Microsoft Teams


20/059 Chairman’s remarks.

Cllr CS asked that a letter of thanks to be sent to S Fraser thanking her for her contribution while she was a Parish Councillor


20/060 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr NH gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.


20/061 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr CS – Member of Boston Borough Planning Committee, Cllr JW – Chair of playing field committee.


20/062 Police report.

None received

Action: None


20/063 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 18-01-21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.These were confirmed and it was agreed the clerk would send them to Cllr RH for electronic signing.

Action: Clerk to send minutes for signing.


20/064 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 08.03.21.


Source of Income

Total Amount












Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount

Amount Excl VAT






Pay and PAYE








The Clerk presented the LALC subscription invoice for £85.91, that is due for payment on the 01-04-21.  It was resolved to accept this for payment

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. 

Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.


20/065 Planning:

B/21/0062 – Two storey dwelling including new vehicular access, hardstanding & associated works at Sunnyside Cottage, Sutterton Drove


Following discussion it was resolved that the following comments be passed to the planning dept.

Sewage and surface water drainage

The application states that the property will be connected to the main sewer however the properties adjacent to it are not connected to the main sewer as it is on the opposite side of the road.  Therefore, is this possible??


Drainage issues have occurred in the past from the current property at Sunnyside Cottage which has resulted in flooding to the playing field behind the property and so concern is that this will increase this problem - Does the surface water comply with present regulations?



Concern was raised regarding the width of the Highways area of management as there used to be a verge outside the existing property which has disappeared due to the width of the hedge.  Will the new development also encroach on the highway management area in relation to the proposed hedge? And what is the width of the area that belongs to Lincs County Council?


Could a traffic management and construction plan be provided covering the duration of the build as this is a very narrow road which is busy with traffic to and from the school 4 times a day during term time and it is also very busy with agricultural machinery throughout the year in particular during harvest time.



Action: Clerk to feedback to Planning department and contact highways to clarify the width of the verge.


20/066 Correspondence

Boston Borough Council

Mail - Letter ref regulating and Safeguarding Boston's Economy - Emailed to Cllrs 19/01/21

Fire & Rescue

Email - contact information and advice regarding storm Christop - Emailed to Cllrs 19/01/21


Email - Weekly newsletter w/c 18-01-21 - Nothing of interest


Email - Members Survey 2021 - Emailed to Cllrs 19/01/21

Lincs Police & Crime Commissioner

Email - Introduction to Safer together campaign - Emailed to Cllrs 18/01/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Details of Covid Community testing - Emailed to Cllrs 18/01/21


Email - Newsletter - nothing of interest

The Bridge

Email - Feb 21 newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs 02/02/21


Email - Newsletter - nothing of interest


Mail - letter requesting support - Emailed to Cllrs 02/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Boston Borough Council introduce Clare Bailey, a Business Advisor to support the local High Street and independent businesses - Emailed to Cllrs 02/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Budget Consultation - Emailed to Cllrs 02/02/21


Email - Annual Membership invoice - added to agenda

Walking England

Email - Website details coving local walks in Lincolnshire - posted on website and facebook


Email - Newsletter - nothing of interest


Email - Newsletter - nothing of interest 16-02-21


Email - Details of up and coming census - emailed to Cllrs, posted on website and facebook 17/02/21


Email - Working partnership to save money - emailed to Cllrs 17/02/21

Crime Commissioner

Email - Policing - How it works poster - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 17/02/21

Boston Rural Police

Email - February newsletter - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 17/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Update on Rapid testing Centre - emailed to Cllrs, posted facebook & website 23/02/21

Environment Agency

Email - EA Routine Maintenance Factsheet - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 23/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Update on introduction of Purple recycling bins - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 23/02/21

Lincs County Council

Email - Amendment to Road Closure - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 23/02/21


Email - Enews 23/02/21 - Nothing to report

Boston Borough Council

Email - Sign up for brown bin collections - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 23/02/21

Citizens Advice

Email - Support offered for EU citizens - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 23/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Protecting Lincolnshire Heritage - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 25/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Environmental Policy for Boston - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 25/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Borough Budget proposal for 2021-22 - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 25/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Update to Household recycling waste - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 25/02/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Social distancing on school runs - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 05/03/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Supporting Business exporting - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 05/03/21

Lincs County Council

Email - Update on Bus timetables - emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 05/03/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - confirmation of budget agreement - Emailed to Cllrs 05/03/21


Email - Enews - nothing of interest


Action: None.


20/067 Clerks report.


The clerk reported that she had not heard back from either the School, Lincs County Council or the Police re speeding.

It was resolved that the Clerk would contact the local PCSO for advice

Action: Clerk to contact Local PCSO



20/068 Location and installation of noticeboard

It was resolved that the clerk would advertise for volunteers in April in preparation for arranging installation once lockdown is over.

Action: Clerk to advertise for volunteers on website and facebook in April 21



20/069 Community Garden (RB)

Cllr RB reported that some residents were inquiring about the village having a Community Garden however it was resolved that there is currently no-where available.

Action: None


20/070 Litter in the village

Cllr CS has received an email from a resident who has been picking up litter in the village and this has included a lot of discarded alcohol bottles.  The concern is that these are being discarded by drivers who may be under the influence of alcohol.  There have also been reports of fly tipping and it was resolved the Clerk will advertise details of reporting fly tipping on the website and facebook

Action: Clerk to advertise fly tipping on facebook and website


20/071 Items for inclusion at next meeting.




20/072 Date & Time of next meeting

17th May 2021  - Annual Parish Council meeting and general meeting


It was resolved to go into a closed session to discuss the Councillor vacancy and Clerks appraisal

20/073 Vacancy for Councillor.

The Clerk confirmed that the vacancy has been advertised and that the Borough will contact us after 17th March to confirm whether an election has been requested or a co-option can take place.

It was resolved any interested residents should email the clerk


20/074 Clerks Appraisal

The Clerks appraisal was discussed and it was resolved to go forward with the suggestion that one of the Councillors should have access to online banking in the event that the clerk became unavailable.

Action:  Clerk to arrange set up for agreed Cllr RB to have access


Meeting Closed 8.15 pm



Signed:                                                                                     (In the chair)