Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 21st November 2022
Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Grahame Winman
Also Present: N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Mike Brookes (County Cllr),
Public Forum:
Meeting started 7.04 pm
22/242 Chairman’s remarks.
Cllr CS welcomed Cllr Grahame Winman to his first meeting as a Councillor
22/243 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr G Cornah (Borough Meeting) gave apologies.
It was resolved to accept the apologies
22/244 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr EG declared an interest in planning application B/22/0464
22/245 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 26-09-22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
22/246 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 11.11.22.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
09/09/2022 |
Interest |
0.21 |
01/10/2022 |
Precept - 2nd instalment |
1,837.00 |
09/10/2022 |
Interest |
0.21 |
09/11/2022 |
Interest |
0.52 |
Total |
1,837.94 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
28/09/2022 |
Nbush - Poppies for lamp posts |
99.90 |
21/09/2022 |
Nbush - Wreath |
20.99 |
30/09/2022 |
Malc Firth - Sept 22 Grass Cutting |
57.96 |
31/10/2022 |
Pay and PAYE |
162.50 |
31/10/2022 |
Malc Firth - Oct 22 Grass Cutting |
115.92 |
21/11/2022 |
Hubberts Bridge Community Centre |
24.00 |
Total |
481.27 |
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. The clerk confirmed the budget spend was currently at 79% and is expected to remain under budget at the end of the year. She notified the Cllrs that the interim audit was taking place later this week.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
7.09 Cllr EG left the room
22/247 Planning:
B/22/0464 Prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building (Class Q) to 2 no dwellinghouses & 3 no small dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion at Valley Farm, Martin Cross Drove
Following discussion, it was resolved that there were no objections as these dwellings are of a smaller size than most within the village and offer more affordable houses which may encourage younger people to the village which is much needed.
7.13 Cllr EG returned to the meeting
Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm – further consultation
Discussion took place surrounding the grading of the land being proposed and Cllrs felt that is was of a higher grade than being stated in Ecotricity information.It was resolved that Cllr CS would identify the land from a Map which was held with the gradings and pass this to the clerk to respond and send across this information.
Planning Decisions
B/22/0364 – Ullyatts Drove – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement bungalow with attached garage
No decision as yet
B/21/0318 – Fountain Plants
Permission granted with conditions 27/11/22
B/21/447 –Stone Acre Farm, 4 Sutterton Drove - Siting of temporary mobile home -
A new application is being submitted to Boston Borough Council
Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept and Ecotricity
22/248 Correspondence
Correspondence |
Lincs Police |
Email - Newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website and facebook 30-09-22 |
Email - Weekly Enews |
Mail - Annual report and Minutes from AGM Oct 21 |
Lincs Reservoir |
Email - Details of consultation for new reservoirs - Emailed to Cllrs & added to Agenda - 13-10-22 |
Email - Cost of living challenge - Emailed to Cllrs 13-10-22 |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - Parish News - Emailed to Cllrs and posted on facebook 26-10-22 |
Email - Newsletter containing details of rates for next year, used as part of budget planning |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - details of Lincolnshire Crime and Policing Survey 2022 - Emailed to Cllrs 07-11-22 |
Clerks & Council Direct |
Mail - November newsletter |
Cllr M Brookes |
Email - Details of grants available regards the cost of living crisis |
Ecotricity |
Email - Details of further consultations |
Lincs County Council |
Email -Traffic restrictions |
Sleaford Navigation Trust |
Email - Newsletter |
Email - updates on Civility and Respect |
Action: None.
22/249 Clerks report.
Clerks Report |
Updated Policies
Remembrance 2022
Police Report
Internal Audit
Councillor Vacancy
Asset Ownership
The Clerk confirmed that she had checked the police website and the most recent data is for September 22 where there were no recorded incidents
Action: None
22/250 Litter Picking
Cllrs reported that there had been more fly tipping incidents within the Parish which had been reported to Boston Borough Council and had either been collected or would be soon. It was also confirmed that a £400 fine had been issued to a previous fly tipper following information that had been passed to the Council enabling them to identify the culprit
Cllr RB confirmed that there seemed to be less litter in the village, potentially as there were now a number of residents that regularly collect litter as they are out walking. A group litter pick will be arranged in February once all the foliage has died off over the winter.
Action: None
22/251 Remembrance
The remembrance service went very well with more people attending than before and the School children did an excellent job. There were 400 poppies that had been knitted/crocheted by the WI and residents which Cllr RB tied onto the school railings. It was resolved that the Clerk would send letters of thanks to both the Pilgrim School to thank the students for the input on the day and also to the WI president as a thank you to their members who produce so many of the poppies. Cllr RB to send photographs to the Clerk so that they can be added to the website.
Action: Clerk to write a thank you letters to the Pilgrim School and WI
22/252 Councillor Vacancy
The clerk explained the process regarding the option for Co-option and due to the timescales the earliest a new councillor could be appointed would be the March meeting so it was resolved that anyone interested attend the meetings as a member of the public and then be supported in their application for the May 23 elections
- : None
To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following confidential staffing and legal matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage
As there were no public present is was not necessary to go into a closed session
22/253 To receive a report on the clerk’s annual performance and agree any actions resulting from this review.
The performance review was fedback to the Councillors along with actions to move forward, one of which was as a contingent plan that one of the Cllrs have access and understanding of the Parish website. Cllr GW agreed to take on this role.
Action: Clerk to arrange login and training for Cllr GW for the website
22/254 To discuss and agree Amber Hill Parish Council precept for 2023/24
The Clerk presented the draft budget and highlighted areas for discussion, which were then agreed upon. The Clerk was then asked to leave the room while the Cllrs discussed the clerks pay for the coming year.
The Budget was then finalised. The precept figure of £3716.00 was proposed by Cllr CS, seconded by Cllr EG with all other councillors voting in favour.
Action: Clerk to complete precept form once received and return to Boston Borough Council in January
22/255 Review of policies
Equal Opportunities, Whistle Blowing, Discipline and Grievance, Dignity at work.
The Councillors all confirmed that they had read each of the policies and it was resolved that all 4 policies would be adopted.
Action: Clerk to upload adopted policies onto the website
22/256 Items for inclusion at next meeting
22/257 Date & time of next meeting.
16 January 2023 7.00 pm
Meeting Closed 9.15 pm
Signed: (In the chair)