Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 15th May 2023
Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton
Also Present: N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Mike Brookes (County Cllr) Cllr Stuart Evans (Borough)
Public Forum: None
Meeting started 7.20 pm
23/614 Chairman’s remarks.
Cllr CS welcomed Cllr Stuart Evans and Cllr Edward Panton
23/615 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr S Welberry gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.
23/616 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
23/617 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 20-03-23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
23/618 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 09.01.23.
Current bank balances
Current account - £4,485.05
Deposit account £4,895.60
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
04/04/2023 |
Precept |
1,858.00 |
11/04/2023 |
Interest |
3.10 |
Total |
1,861.10 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
03/04/2023 |
LALC Subscription |
87.76 |
25/04/2023 |
V Clark - Internal Audit |
40.00 |
25/04/2023 |
Zurich - Insurance |
163.75 |
30/04/2023 |
Pay and PAYE |
200.00 |
15/05/2023 |
Hubberts Bridge Community Centre |
24.00 |
Total |
515.51 |
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
23/619 Planning:
B/23/0143 – Proposed Construction of a detached garage at Willow Cottage, Sutterton Drove
It was resolved that there were no comments or concerns
Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm
It was resolved that the concerns over the use of grade 2 land remained
Beacon Fen Energy Park
Initial introduction at this point so no comments to make until official consultation begins
Planning Decisions
B/23/0062 - Proposed extension and erection of detached garage to existing former agriculatural building at Claydyke Barn, Martin Cross Drove
Consent granted with conditions 28-04-23
B/23/0059 – Proposed change of use from agricultural use Class B8 light distributuion (works already started/completed) at Willtrans Ltd, Tractor shed off Ullyatts Drove
No decision as yet
Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept and Ecotricity
23/620 Correspondence
Correspondence |
Call Connect |
Email - New Saturday opening times |
Email - Weekly newsletters |
Beacon Energy |
Email - Introduction to new solar farm |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Newsletters |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - Newsletter |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Call Connect Saturday opening hours |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Traffic restrictions Sutterton Drove |
TSGPublicity |
Email - Bus timetable changes for May bank holidays |
Sleaford Navigation Trust |
Email - Newsletter |
Zurich |
Email - Insurance renewal |
South East Lincs Partnership |
Letter – Tree planting and community orchard scheme |
Action: None.
23/621 Clerks report.
Clerks Report |
Police Report
Internal Audit/AGAR
Precept 23-24
Letter to LHP
Parish.UK Network
The lack of response from LHP and the continued deterioration at the property was discussed and it was resolved that the Clerk would write a further letter and also contact the Environmental Department at BBC and copy in Cllrs SE & SW
Action: Clerk to write to LHP, and environmental health dept at BBC
23/622 Litter Picking
Cllr RB reported that we have had another flytip in the village which was reported and promptly collected by the Borough Council. Evidence was collated and sent to the BBC liaison officer but no progress has been made. General rubbish has been very sparse
23/623 Agreement and signing of the External Audit Report for 2021-2022
a Review internal Audit report.
The clerk presented the internal auditors report and the Chairman’s report to the Councillors.It was proposed to accept the Internal Audit report by Cllr CS, seconded by Cllrs JW and agreed by all.
b Review and agree Annual Governance Statement
The clerk read out each statement on the Annual Governance Statement, and all statements were agreed.This document was then duly signed by the Clerk and Cllr CS
c Review and agree Accounting Statement.
The clerk presented the Final Accounts and Accounting Statement, it was proposed to accept the Accounting Statement by Cllr EG, seconded by Cllrs CS and agreed by all.This Accounting statement was then duly signed by Cllr CS.
d Review explanation for variances and reserves.
The clerk presented the Explanation of variances to the Cllrs. It was proposed to accept the explanation for variances by Cllr EG, seconded by Cllrs CS and agreed by all.This Explanation was then duly signed by Cllr CS.
e Review explanation of high reserves.
The clerk presented the explanation of high reserves to the Cllrs. It was proposed to accept the explanation of high reserves by Cllr EG, seconded by Cllrs CS and agreed by all.This Explanation was then duly signed by Cllr CS.
f Agree and sign certification of exemption.
It was resolved to complete the certificate of exemption, which was then signed by NB (RFO) and Cllr CS (Chairman)
Action: Clerk to publish Audit report on website and in the noticeboard and to submit exemption certificate to External Auditors
23/624 Donation request from Citizens Advice
The clerk presented the donation request from Citizens Advice. It was resolved to give this years donation of £50 to Citizens Advice
Action: Clerk to make donation to Citizens Advice
23/625 Defibrillator
The clerk confirmed that she is checking funding options on a regular basis but at present there is still no funding other than the London Hearts foundation which offer partly funded sales. Cllr RB confirmed that this was a really good price.
Cllr MB suggested that the clerk contact Katie Littlewood at the Lincolnshire Community Foundation Trust as Trittion Knoll were continuing to offer funding
It was also discussed and resolved that a notice would be put in the next newsletter to let residents know we are looking for funding for the Defibrillator as some may want to contribute.
Action: Clerk to contract Tritton Knoll and draft article for the newsletter
23/626 Facebook Group/Page
The Clerk reported that she has looked into whether a facebook page may be more appropriate than a group now that the workings of the group have changed and that a page is designed for businesses and that this would therefore be a more suitable platform for the parish council. It was resolved that a facebook page would be created to replace the facebook group
Action: Clerk to set up new facebook page and then redirect residents to it before closing down the facebook group
23/627 Newsletter
Cllr GW volunteered to take over the production of the newsletter and it was agreed the clerk would send over previous versions as well as an article for the defibrillator. It was also agreed that the poppies and remembrance would be included in the newsletter. It was agreed that this needed to be delivered before August.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr GW with regards to the newsletter
23/628 Matters Arising
Cllr MB gave an update on Chapel Lane – he had complained and had expected it to have been done but then everything was reprogrammed, and a new job issued for it in February. He confirmed he had a highways meeting on Tues 16th May and would raise it again and feedback
The Clerk reported that she had received an email from the new Chair of the playing field committee introducing herself and that she had responded.
Action: Cllr MB to speak to Highways re Chapel Lane
23/629 Items for inclusion at next meeting
State of the roads
Action: Clerk to add to next agenda
23/630 Date & time of next meeting.
17th July 2023 – 7pm
Meeting Closed 9.15 pm
Signed: (In the chair)