Minutes of the EO meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 14th August 2023


Present:                       Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton

Also Present:               Nicky Bush- (Clerk & RFO)

Public Forum:              None


Meeting started 7.35 pm


23/645 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs JW gave apologies.  It was resolved to accept the apologies.


23/646 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr EP declared an interest in planning application B/23/0238

23/647 Planning applications


Cllr E Panton left the meeting.


B/23/0238 – Replacement of existing mobile home with a larger mobile home at Mobs Eye Farm, Sutterton Drove

Following discussion it was resolved that there were no objections.


Cllr E Panton returned to the meeting


B/23/0244 – Installation of PV Solar Panels on Domestic outbuilding at Rosedene, Claydyke Bank

The solar panels are to be placed on outbuildings which are dog kennels in addition to the house roof.

It was resolved that there were not objections


B/21/062 - Sunnyside – Erection of brick wall

Following a site visit the councillors reported that a brick wall has been build that was not on the planning application, which showed a hedge inside just before the verge area.  They reported that the wall has been build up against the edge of the road rather than inside the verge which may restrict vehicles passing, particularly farm vehicles.  In addition, there is wiring within the wall which may suggest that lights are to be installed, which so close to the road may cause a hazard.

It was also noted that the driveway to the property has also not been built in line with the plans resulting in the visibility being more restricted than the planning application.

The playing field committee have also reported that the fence they had at the back of the property has been removed and replaced with a fence as per the plans however within this fence an opening has been built which suggest they are intending to put a gate in.  The play area committee are concerned this may affect their insurance or could pose a safeguarding risk.

During the site visit it was also noted that the hedge outside of the Sheilings property next door now hangs over the road and the kerb is now hidden under the hedge, which also restricts the width of the road and one of the councillors reported that this has been caught by farm machinery.


It was resolved that the clerk would contact both Alan Watts, the compliance officer at Boston Borough Council regarding this application and contact Lincs County Council Highways regarding both the hedge and the wall.



Cones on Claydyke Bank - update

Cllr CS confirmed that he spoke to the landowner who straight away removed one side of the cones to enable large vehicles to pull off the road allowing other vehicles to pull over and pass.  Viking link still has work to be done and then the remaining cones will be reviewed.


Action: Clerk to feed back to planning department and also contact the compliance officer and the highways department



Meeting Closed 8.24 pm






Signed:                                                                                       (In the chair)