Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 15th May 2023.


Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton

Also Present: Cllr Mike Brookes (Lincs County Councillor), N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Stuart Evans (Borough Councillor)

Public Forum: None


Meeting started 7.12pm

23/603 Election of Chair.

Cllr EG proposed and Cllr RB seconded Cllr CS as Chair.Cllr CS accepted, and it was resolved that he would be the Chair for the coming year.

23/604 Receipt of Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance.

Cllr CS completed the Declaration of Office for Chair

Action: Clerk to update details on the Parish website


23/605 Election of Vice Chair.

Cllr JW proposed and Cllr NH seconded Cllr EG as Vice Chair.Cllr EG accepted, and it was resolved that she would act as Vice for the coming year.

Cllr EG completed the Declaration of Office for Vice Chair

Action: Clerk to update details on the Parish website.


23/606 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr S Welberry gave apologies, it was resolved to accept the apologies.


23/607 Appointment of a Highways Liaison Officer

Cllr EP agreed to become the Highways Liaison Officer and all Cllrs were in agreement of this.

Action: Clerk to update details on the Parish website


23/608 Approval of the Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2023

The Clerk presented the final accounts for 2022- 23, with the amendments to the ringfenced monies at the March 23 meeting.  She confirmed the Internal Audit had taken place and would be discussed under the main meeting agenda. Cllr CS signed the updated final accounts

Action: None


23/609 Appointment of a Representative to the Playing Field Committee

Cllr JW agreed to continue to be the Playing Field Committee representative.

Action: None


23/610 Review and adoption of Standing Orders

The Clerk confirmed that the Standing Orders are still in line with LALC’s latest model regulations and that no further changes need to be made at this time. 

It was resolved to accept the revised Standing Orders

Action: Clerk to reflect this on the website


23/611 Review and adoption of Financial Regulations

The Clerk confirmed that the Financial Regulations are still inline with LALC’s latest model regulations and that no further changes need to be made at this time. 

It was resolved to accept the current financial regulations

Action: Clerk to reflect this on the website


23/612 Review of inventory of assets

The Clerk confirmed that the asset register has been updated to include items purchased in 22-23.  Cllr RB asked that the knitted poppies be added to the Asset register.  It was resolved that the clerk would upload the up to date register

Action: Clerk to update the asset register on the website


23/613 Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks

The clerk confirmed she had received the insurance renewal and confirmed there were no changes to be made. This is year two of the five-year agreement.  The cost has risen by £4.73 to £163.75 an increase of 3%.It was resolved to confirm the insurance and that payment could be made.

Action: Clerk to make payment for the insurance renewal


Meeting Closed 7.19 pm

The Council then moved on to the Monthly Parish Council meeting.