Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 18th September 2023
Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Grahame Winman, Cllr Edward Panton
Also Present: N Bush (Clerk), Cllr Mike Brookes (County Cllr) Cllr Stuart Evans (Borough)
Public Forum:
Meeting started 7.00 pm
23/001 Chairman’s remarks.
Cllr CS welcomed Cllr Stuart Evans to his first Amber Hill Parish Council meeting.
23/648 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Borough Cllr Suzanne Welberry gave apologies due to a Borough meeting. It was resolved to accept the apologies.
23/649 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
23/650 Draft minutes of the meetings held on 17-07-23 and 14-08-23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
23/651 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 11.09.23.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
10/07/2023 |
Interest |
3.33 |
09/08/2023 |
Interest |
3.63 |
Total |
6.96 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
31/07/2023 |
Malc Firth - July 23 |
125.18 |
30/08/2023 |
Pay and PAYE |
200.00 |
14/08/2023 |
ICO - Data Protection fee |
35.00 |
26/08/2023 |
S Barton - Churchyard grass cutting |
220.00 |
29/08/2023 |
Cllr RB - purchase of poppy nets |
32.29 |
18/09/2023 |
Hubberts Bridge Community Centre |
24.00 |
30/09/2023 |
Pay and PAYE - EO meeting Aug 23 |
50.00 |
Total |
623.88 |
The Clerk confirmed she had received an additional invoice £62.59 from Malc Firth for grass cutting in August.
Bank Balances
Lloyds Current Account £2892.36
Lloyds Deposit Account £4,908.94
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and also pay the additional invoice for Malc Firth.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
23/652 Planning:
B/23/0296 – proposed change of use – Stone Acre Farm, Sutterton Drove
Following discussion it was resolved that there were no objections, however on the design access statement section 4.6.1 it does refer to the proposed three bedroom property, however the application and drawings relate to a one bedroom property.
Planning Decisions
B/23/0238 – Replacement of existing mobile home with a larger mobile home at Mobs Eye Farm, Sutterton Drove
Favourable decision with conditions
B/23/0244 – Installation of PV Solar Panels on Domestic outbuilding at Rosedene, Claydyke Bank
Favourable decision with conditions
B/21/062 - Sunnyside – Erection of brick wall
Non-Material amendment now submitted.
The Councillors raised concerns over safety of the brick wall which has been built against the highway.The clerk confirmed that she has emailed Alan Watts as the revised drawings show the wall within the property boundary with the verge between the wall and the road edge.Councillor MB said he was meeting with highways on Friday and will raise the concerns with them.
B/23/0188 – Bluebell House, Lineside
Favourable decision with conditions
B/23/0204 – Amber House Farm Barn, Sutterton Drove
No decision as yet – Historic England have made objections on the design
Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm
Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept
23/653 Correspondence
Email - Weekly newsletters |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Newsletters |
Boston Borough Council |
Email - Newsletter |
Lincolnshire Police |
Email - Newsletter |
PKF Littlejohn |
Email - Confirmation of notice of exempt status |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Questionnaire from Highways department |
Keep Britain Tidy |
Email - Safer Parks for everyone - forwarded to playing field committee |
Lincs Community Trust |
Email - Help for households grants |
Resident |
Email - Asking about a name on War memorial - advised to speak to war memorial trust |
Lincolnshire NHS |
Email - Norton Lea Development information session |
Princes Trust |
Email - New course starting |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Survey regarding digital access |
Lincs YMCE |
Email - Briefing regarding YMCA working with Lincs Community Fund |
The clerk confirmed that she had also received today a letter from Lives requesting a donation. As the budget for this year has been used up it was resolved that this would be considered in May 2024 meeting
In addition LALC e-news was received today and there are details of changes to the 23-24 external audit with regards to all Councils having an email address with .gov.uk. This is normally linked to the website domain name which is provided through Lincs County Council which does have a gov.uk address. The clerk has contacted Lincs County Council to see if the email address can be via the current website domain provider before taking it further.
The clerk also advised of training dates for new councillors in October that are to be held via zoom.
Action: Cllrs GW and EP to notify the clerk of which dates are suitable
23/654 Clerks report including police report.
Police Report
Action: None
23/655 Litter Picking
Cllr RB confirmed there were no new issues to report and that she is now receiving feedback and progress on previous reports that had not been followed up by the Borough Council.
23/656 Remembrance
Cllr RB confirmed that the poppy nets have now been purchased and the poppies are now being secured to them by herself and other residents. There will be two for the church wall and two for the front of the school.
Cllr RB also confirmed she will distribute the flags to residents and Cllr NH confirmed he will install the large poppies again.
It was resolved that the clerk will contact the school again with regards to being involved again.
Action: Clerk to contact the School
23/657 Footway Lighting – Old Leake Parish Council
The Councillors discussed the email received with regards to street lighting and the issues of cost, in particular where a street light is damaged by a vehicle and the Parish having to pay for the replacement but are unable to claim on their insurance as they belong to the Borough who will not claim on their insurance Cllr SE confirmed that there is a Joint Scrutiny committee that are going to look at this.
It was resolved that the answers to the two key questions are
1 Do we regard the current system as fair to the Council, community and tax payer. Response – No
2 Do we support Old Leake in asking the Borough Council to convert the stock of streetlights over to LED and part night-lighting where requested – Response - Yes
Action: Clerk to feedback to Old Leake Parish Council.
23/658 Matters Arising
The clerk confirmed that Lincs County Council were not at this point looking at requesting the hedge outside Sheilings be cut. The Cllrs still have concerns regarding this, and Cllr JW raised concerns as both children and parents with prams/pushchairs coming out of the park have to now step into the road to see if traffic is coming as the hedge sticks out so far it impairs their vision. Cllr MB will raise this at his next meeting with Highways as this is a safety concern.
Cllr MB gave an update on the progress of the road repairs in the Parish and that an additional £10million has been allocated to highway maintenance.
Action: Cllr Brookes to speak to the Highways department.
23/659 Items for inclusion at next meeting
Clerks appraisal
Budget for 2024-25
Action: Clerk to prepare budget and appraisal and add to the next agenda
Meeting Closed 8.05pm
Date of next meeting: 20 November 2023 7.00 pm
Signed: (In the chair)