Minutes 21 March 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 21st March 2022


Present:                       Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Lucy Evans

Also Present:               N Bush (Clerk)

Public Forum:              None   


Meeting started 7.03 pm


21/171 Chairman’s remarks.



21/172 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Mike Brookes (County Cllr) and Cllr Rachel Hunn gave apologies.

It was resolved to accept the apologies


21/173 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr CS declared an interest in planning application B/22/0058


21/174 Proposed Changes to Constituency.

The Parish Councillors discussed the proposed constituency boundary changes which results in Amber Hill becoming part of the new South Lincolnshire constituency and removed from the Boston and Skegness constituency.

They feel very disappointed that no direct or previous consultation has taken place with Parish Council to enable them to put forward their comments as representative of the residents of the village

It was resolved that the Parish Council objects on the following basis

It is felt that it is clear from the map outlining the changes that this is a decision based on equalling numbers within constituencies as the majority of the new constituency is south of Boston, yet much of Amber Hill is situated to the Northwest of Boston.

The Boundary Commission website states ‘as far as possible we try to have regard to local ties, geographical factors and local government boundaries’ however we feel that this has not been taken into account.

Clearly there has been no consideration regards the links to Boston given that this is where residents go for their services such as shopping, medical, dental, veterinary services, transport links and their council services are provided by Boston Borough Council.

Residents have been closely associated with, and consider themselves part of the Boston constituency, which is part of their address.

Residents may feel isolation from their MP as Amber Hill is a long way from the centre of the constituency and within 6 miles of Boston.  Given this distance it raises the question of how much consideration and time the new MP will give to those few areas that are under Boston Borough and it does not make sense as the Boston & Skegness MP will be much more aware of the issues Amber Hill residents face

ACTION: Clerk to submit comments.


21/175 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 17-01-22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


21/176 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 14.03.22.


Source of Income

Total Amount








VAT reclaim







Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount


Donation to Lives



Pay and PAYE



Hubberts Bridge Community Centre - Room Hire







LALC registration cost for 2022-23 for approval to be paid April 22



It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. It was resolved that V Clark would be appointed to carry out the Internal Audit for this year 

Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments, and contact the Auditor


21/177 Planning:

Cllr CS left the meeting

Planning Applications

B/22/0058 – Conversion of existing barn and rebuilding existing partially derelict section to form a new dwelling at Thorpes Barn, Rear of Holly House, Lineside

Following discussion, it was resolved that there were no objections


Cllr CS returned to the meeting


Planning Decisions

B/21/0318 – Fountain Plants


A resident has raised concerns to Cllr EG regarding the cones currently on the road.There are over 30 cones on the road however it was felt that these were temporary and will be removed once the road works and Viking Link have been completed.This will be monitored and raised again it they are not removed

Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


21/178 Correspondence

Clerks & Council Direct

Mail - January newsletter

Lincs County Council

Email - invite for Chair to attend Jubilee event - Emailed to Cllr CS 28/01/22

Lincs County Council

Email - details of Platinum Jubilee celebrations - Emailed to Cllrs 07/02/22

Royal British Legion

Email - details of planting a tree project - Emailed to Cllrs 07/02/22

Lincs County Council

Email - Emergency Traffic Restrictions 15/02/22 - 17/02/22 - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook and website 07/02/22

Lincs Police

Email - January Newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website

Boston Borough Council

Email - Parish News - Emailed to Cllrs 15/02/22

Heritage Lincolnshire

Email - Invite for Councillors to take part in their pilot - Emailed to Cllrs 15/02/22

Keep Britain Tidy

Email - this year Keep Britain tidy campaign - Emailed to Cllrs 15/02/22

Lincs County Council

Email - County & Parish Newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs 15/02/22

Lincs County Council

Email - February newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs 11/03/22


Email - Revised pay scales

Lloyds Bank

Mail - Changes to online banking

Boston Borough Council

Email - Parish News - Emailed to Cllrs 21-03-22

Lincolnshire Police

Email - Newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website & facebook


Mail - Letter thanking us for the donation

Action: None.


21/179 Clerks report including Police report.

Platinum Jubilee

No updates due to decision not to pursue a local event


  • B/21/0318 - Fountain Plants
    • 07/02/22 - new flood risk produced, but objection from EA still stands
  • Ecotricity - Wind farm
    • Consultation comments submitted
    • BBC have also submitted comments surrounding the loss of agricultural land
  • Sunnyside Cottage
    • Non Material Amendment - Approved
    • Condition Discharge - Approved

Litter in the village

  • Requested dog fouling posters - no response as yet

Updated Regulations


Remembrance 2022

  • Letter sent to School to invite them to be involved
  • Heather replied to say would like to be involved and passed my details to relevant person

Police Report

  • No reported crimes for December 21
  • Jan 22 - 1 burglary near Sutterton Drove - still under investigation
  • Data for February not yet available

Donation - Lives

  • Donation made via BACS

VAT Reclaim

  • Vat reclaimed


It was confirmed that the Burglary near Sutton Drove is now a closed case.  It was discussed and resolved that the Clerk would contact PCSO Williams regarding the data online as this is out of date and whether there is other data that can be accessed

Action: Clerk to contact PCSO Williams regarding reported crimes


21/180 Ecotricity – Heckington Solar Farm

There have been no further updates and it was resolved that the clerk would move this item into the planning section of the agenda.

Action:  Clerk to move to Planning sections


21/181 Litter picking & fly tipping

Cllr LE stated she would be unavailable for the next litter pick and asked Cllr RB if she could lead this one.  It was resolved that all dates to be sent to the Clerk so that she is able to publish them on the website and noticeboard as not all residents may have access to facebook.

Following a fly-tipping event one of the residents carried out a thorough investigation, including photographic evidence and detailed statements from other residents that was presented to the Borough Council.  After initially getting no response, this was then followed up and the response given was that there was not enough evidence and the person identified did not want to talk about it with the Borough representative.

It was resolved that the Clerk would write to the Borough Council to express our disappointment with the outcome and attitude given all the evidence that was presented to them.

Boston Signs have offered some free fly-tipping signs for the Parish that could be placed on private land.  It was resolved to accept this offer.


Action: Clerk to write to Boston Borough Council, Cllr LE to send planned litter pick dates to the Clerk for publishing


21/182 Remembrance & Jubilee 2022

The clerk confirmed that the Pilgrim School wish to be involved and it was resolved that the clerk would ask them if they would like to lead the service and that the Parish Council would promote it.

Other ideas put forward was with regards to residents making poppies to attach to the railings and is was resolved that knitting/sewing and crochet patterns would be sourced to circulate.

Action: Clerk to contact the school regarding leading the service and ask if they would like to make poppies for the railings


21/183 Defibrillator

Cllr JW instigated a discussion surrounding having a defibrillator within the village as there were no longer LIVES volunteers in or close to the village.  It was resolved that the Clerk would contact LIVES to establish the cost and monitor funding streams to see if any funding can be raised. Once a source of funding has been found then the School to be contact to ask if it would be possible for it to be located on the School wall.

Action: Clerk to Contact LIVES regarding costs and then monitor for funding options


21/184 New equipment for the Park

Cllr JW asked if the purchase of the new equipment for the Park could be carried out via the Parish Council.  All Cllrs were in agreement

Action: Clerk to make deposit for equipment and Cllr JW to arrange for a cheque to be raised to fund it


21/185 Grass Cutting at park

Cllr JW confirmed she had been notified that there would be a 5% increase to the cost of the Grass Cutting at the Park.  Discussion took place and the Clerk confirmed that this increase would still remain with the budget the Parish Council allowed for.

Action: None

21/186 Newsletter

Cllr JW asked for confirmation of who was going to put together the newsletter for the Parish this year.  The Clerk also presented a newsletter she had seen via the LALC newsletter as it had some content which may be useful.  Cllr LE agreed to put together the newsletter and the Clerk offering support from her work experience.

It was resolved that the Clerk would email a copy of the newsletter she had found and Cllr LE to then let her know what she would like to include.

Action: Clerk to send newsletter to Cllr LE


21/187 Communications and Social Media Policies

The Clerk reminded the Councillors that all Parish Council communications must come through the Clerk with regards to social media and can then be shared on other platforms.  In addition, Councillors were reminded to be careful when using Social Media as residents may assume posts made are within their position of Parish Councillor and so must ensure they are careful as to what they post and clearly state that it is their own view rather than the Parish Council view unless the topic has been discussed at a meeting and the result of that meeting published

Action: None


21/188 Items for inclusion at next meeting





Meeting Closed  9.01 pm


Date of next meeting:  16 May 2022 7.00 pm






Signed:                                                                                       (In the chair)