Minutes of the meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 19th July 202

Present:                       Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn, Cllr Lucy Evans

Also Present:               N Bush (Clerk),

Public Forum:              None


Meeting started 7.09 pm


21/110 Chairman’s remarks.

Cllr CS welcomed Cllr LE to her first full meeting.


21/111 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs Jane Webb, N Hardy Mike Brookes (County Cllr) and G Cornah (Borough Cllr) gave apologies.

It was resolved to accept the apologies.


21/112 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr EG declared an interested in planning application B/21/300 and Cllr CS declared an interest in planning application B/21/209.


21/113 Police report.

Please accept apologies from police, we will not be attending the meeting on 19th July.

There have been no reported crimes within the parish since your last meeting.

Our speed gun is currently away being re-calibrated, we will carry out speed checks when it returns.


PCSO Neil Williams

ACTION: It was resolved that the clerk would reply back to PCSO Williams and suggest that they plan speed checks once the school resumes in September.


21/114 Draft minutes of the meetings held on 17-07-21 and 14-06-21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above draft as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


21/115 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 09.07.21.


Source of Income

Total Amount












Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount


Lincolnshire Lowland Search & Rescue - Donation



Zurich - Insurance



V Clark - Internal Audit



Pay and PAYE



Malc Firth April 21



Malc Firth May 21



Malc Firth June 21



Hubberts Bridge Community Centre - Room Hire







It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. 

Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.

Cllr EG left the room

21/116 Planning:

Planning Applications

B/21/0300 – Prior notification for proposed change of use of Agricultural Building to larger residential dwelling house (Class3) at Claydyke Barn, Martin Cross Drove


Following discussion, it was resolved that the only impact would be on the direct neighbour. Councillors asked the clerk to enquire if the process in place whereby direct neighbours are contacted directly by the Borough regarding any planning permissions.


Cllr EG returned to the room



B/21-0231 & 2 -Listed Building Consent for the removal of an existing UPVC window and the installation of a UPVC door. Lime render all of the extension walls. Erection of a potting shed and greenhouse in garden to the south west of the house at Amber House Farm, Sutterton Drove

Consultation carried out as per delegation 3w of the standing orders. No comments or concerns were reported by either Councillors or residents, and this was reported to the Planning department


Planning Decisions

B/21/0174 – Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to form annexe at Copperfield, Lineside, Amber Hill

The clerk confirmed that the decision for this was recorded on the 21-06-21 and was favourable with conditions


Cllr CS did not leave the room as there were no updates on this application


B/21/0209 - Conversion and extension of barn to form a dwelling at Thorpes Barn, rear of Holly House, Lineside

No decision as yet


Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


21/117 Correspondence


May - July 2021


Email - offer of support regarding website for Parishes that wish to contract the work out


Email - Newsletter - New Councillor training date available - Emailed Cllr LE 02/06/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook 03/06/21

Lincs County Council

Email - Confirmation of closure of footpath - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on facebook & website 24/06/21


Mail - Letter and newsletter - Emailed to Cllrs 24/06/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - News release on Town Centre Bid - Emailed to Cllrs 24/06/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Councillor Grant Scheme - Emailed to Cllrs 24/06/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - New release re togetherness from the community - Emailed to Cllrs 24/06/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Launch of Councillor Grant Scheme - Emailed to Cllrs 09/07/21

Boston Borough Council

Email - Service update relating to planning dept - Emailed to Cllrs 09/07/21

Lincs County Council

Email - Update on Broadband Connectivity - Emailed to Cllrs 09/07/21


The clerk informed the Cllrs that she had received an email from BBC enquiring as to whether the Parish had a beacon to include in the Jubilee celebrations, which they confirmed they did not have one in the village.


Cllr EG gave feedback regarding the Viking Link meeting she attended and the minutes received and confirmed everything is currently on target


Action: Clerk to notify BBC that the Parish does not have a beacon.


21/118 Clerks report.

May 21 - July 21

Speeding in the village

  • Received response by letter from Pilgrim School
  • Spoken to Neil Williams and he will speak to the School and the Taxi Drivers

Vacancy for Councillor

All applicants notified of the results

Meeting arranged with Lucy Evans to complete paperwork 21-05-21

Paperwork submitted to Boston Borough Council and appointment announced 03-06-21


  • B/21/0174 - Copperfield, Lineside
    • Received consultation - extension requested
    • Planning dept notified no comments or concerns
  • B/21/0209 - Thorpes Barn, Lineside
    • Received consultation - extension requested
    • Planning dept notified no comments or concerns
  • B/21/0231-2 - Amber House Farm, Sutterton Drove
    • Remote consultation carried out and submitted on website
    • Planning dept notified - no comments or concerns


  • Audit prepared
  • Internal Audit Arranged
  • Meeting arranged to sign off Audit
  • 15/06/21 - Audit documentation published on website and Certificate of Exemption submitted to External Auditors























No report received from Cllr NH regarding the road repairs.  Cllr CS agreed to follow this up and confirmed he had also reported potholes on fix my street.

Action: Cllr CS to follow up on the road conditions with Cllr NH


20/119 Platinum Jubilee – Tree Planting

Following discussion, it was resolved to initially gauge interest from the residents with regards to their interest in holding an event and whether they would prefer to attend the larger events that may be arranged by the Borough.  Also anyone interest in forming a group to do this with the support of Councillors. 

Action: Clerk to put out a post to see what interest there is.


20/120 Newsletter

The Clerk presented the draft newsletter and as a group the Councillors made suggestions for inclusion.  Cllr LE agreed to finalise the newsletter with these additions as the timescale for completion is short.

Action: Clerk and Cllr LE to liaise to complete and get printed the newsletter


20/121 Litter Picking/Wombles

The Clerk reported that anyone wishing to become a womble would need to register with Boston Borough Council to obtain equipment and to be included in their insurance.  It was resolved that the Clerk would place an advert on facebook and the website asking people to contact Cllr RB via facebook it they were interested in becoming a Parish Womble.

Action: Clerk to place advert on facebook regarding the Wombles.


20/122 Items for inclusion at the next meeting

Platinum Jubilee

Amber Hill Wombles

Speed Limit signs in the village – It was resolved that the clerk would research what the position is with regards to replacing them

Action: Clerk to investigate any costs to replacing the signs


Meeting Closed 9.15 pm


Date of next meeting:  13th September 2021 7.00 pm