EO Agenda 14th June 2021
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend an extra-ordinary meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council, which will be held on 14th June 2021, commencing at 19:00 1-2 North End, Swineshead. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
The meeting will commence with a 15 minute public forum during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Your attendance is necessary during this period.
Signature: Nicky Bush Clerk to the Amber Hill Parish Council
Date: 07/06/21
- Public Forum.
- Apologies for absence and reasons given.
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
- Agreement and signing of the External Audit Report for 2020-2021
- Review internal Audit report
- Review and agree Annual Governance Statement
- Review and agree Accounting Statement including explanation for variances and reserves
- Agree and sign certification of Exemption