Agenda 19th July 2021
- Public Forum.
- Chairman`s remarks.
- Apologies for absence and reasons given.
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
- Police report.
- Draft minutes of the meetings held on 17.05.21 and 14.06.21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
- Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 09.07.21.
- Planning Applications
B/21/0300 – Prior notification for proposed change of use of Agricultural Building to larder residential dwellinghouse (Class3) at Claydyke Barn, Martin Cross Drove
B/21-0231 & 2 -Listed Building Consent for the removal of an existing UPVC window and the installation of a UPVC door. Lime render all of the extension walls. Erection of a potting shed and greenhouse in garden to the south west of the house at Amber House Farm, Sutterton Drove
Planning Decisions
B/21/0174 – Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to form annexe at Copperfield, Lineside, Amber Hill
B/21/0209 - Conversion and extension of barn to form a dwelling at Thorpes Barn, rear of Holly House, Lineside
- Correspondence
- Clerks report.
- Platinum Jubilee – Tree planting
- Newsletter
- Litter Picking/Wombles
- Items for inclusion at next meeting
- Date & time of next meeting.