Agenda EO Meeting 23rd August 2021
- Public Forum.
- Apologies for absence and reasons given.
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
- Planning Application
B/21/0367 Proposed extension and change of use of the existing golf clubhouse to provide a Central Hub Facility Building to comprise - new guest services (reception), sales offices, golf locker room, retail unit and launderette, extended kitchen facilities, toilet facilities, golf driving range building, enlarged function room, new indoor swimming pool together with spa facilities, gym and first floor terrace;
Proposed construction of outdoor leisure facilities including a multi-sport arena, activity shelter, adventure golf course, junior adventure play area and splash pad;
Works to re-align an element of the golf course and the construction of a golf net, caravan sales area and the siting of sales caravan units;
The laying of hardstanding to form a car, bicycle, scooter, golf buggy and golf trolley parking area; and associated works at Boston West, Golf Course, Langrick Road, Hubberts Bridge, Boston, PE20 3SG
B/21/0326 – Outline application with all matters reserved (Access, appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for the erection of 1 no dwelling at land north adjacent to, Stoneleigh, Sutterton Drove, Amber Hill