Minutes of the EO meeting of Amber Hill Parish Council held on 23rd August 2021



Present:                       Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Jane Webb, Cllr Ros Bowler, Cllr Rachel Hunn (Chair), Cllr Nigel Hardy, Cllr Lucy Evans

Also Present:               N Bush (Clerk),

Public Forum:              None


Meeting started 7.03 pm


21/123 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Chris Stephenson gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies


21/124 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr EG declared an interest in Application B/21/0326


21/125 Planning applications:



After discussion it was resolved that the following comments be made

The Name on the consultation letter states Whitehouse Farm, however it is Waterside Farm

There is no objection to the conversion to the Farmhouse.

However, there are objections to the new units

  • This development is not in the village envelope
  • There is no class Q and there is no Agricultural or Horticultural tag attached to the development

This therefore means that there are no restrictions on the use of these 4 units and could therefore be sold on as purely residential.  If this were to happen then it would set a precedent for future developments and would be unfair on those that currently have an Agricultural or Horticultural tag.




B/21/0367  Proposed extension and change of use of the existing golf clubhouse to provide a Central Hub Facility Building to comprise - new guest services (reception), sales offices, golf locker room, retail unit and launderette, extended kitchen facilities, toilet facilities, golf driving range building, enlarged function room, new indoor swimming pool together with spa facilities, gym and first floor terrace;

Proposed construction of outdoor leisure facilities including a multi-sport arena, activity shelter, adventure golf course, junior adventure play area and splash pad;

Works to re-align an element of the golf course and the construction of a golf net, caravan sales area and the siting of sales caravan units;

The laying of hardstanding to form a car, bicycle, scooter, golf buggy and golf trolley parking area; and associated works at Boston West, Golf Course, Langrick Road, Hubberts Bridge, Boston, PE20 3SG


After discussion it was resolved to make the following comments

No concerns regarding the development however concern was raised as to whether the facilities would be open to the public on a day pass basis?

The Council previously raised concerns regarding the lack of pathway along the road and the increase in traffic at the junction and were disappointed that there were no recommendations to address this.

If it is the case that it will be open to non-residents on a day pass basis then this will enhance previous concerns raised regarding the increase in traffic particularly at the Hubberts Bridge junction at which there have been numerous accidents.


Cllr EG left the room


B/21/0326 – Outline application with all matters reserved (Access, appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for the erection of 1 no dwelling at land north adjacent to, Stoneleigh, Sutterton Drove, Amber Hill

After discussion it was resolved that this application is a revision of a previous outline application which related to 2 bungalows and has now been amended to 1 dwelling so no objections

Cllr EG returned


Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


Meeting Closed 7.45 pm





Signed:                                                                                       (In the chair)