Minutes of the EO Meeting of Amber Hill held on 12th April 2021


Present: Cllr Chris Stephenson, Cllr Elizabeth Gadd, Cllr Rachel Hunn

Also Present:

Public Forum: None


Meeting started 7. pm


21/075 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs RB, JW and NH all gave apologies.

It was resolved to accept the apologies


21/076 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.



21/077 Planning applications


Proposed extinguishment of Swineshead Public Footpath 16, Amber Hill Public Footpath 8 & Kirton Public Footpath 10  -  Lincolnshire County Council is considering the extinguishment of the above continuous path which runs eastwards from Swineshead Bridge to Hubbert's Bridge and is sited for its entire length between the railway line and the South Forty Foot Drain. The extent of the proposal is shown on the attached plans. The route in question is not accessible where it lies at the foot of the river bank however as indicated on the plans, there is an alternative open, usable path which runs parallel on the opposite (southern) side of the drain.

Following discussion, it was resolved that there were no objections to this as there was a very good path on the opposite side of the river


B/20/0505 Ullyatts Drove, Amber Hill, Boston, PE20 3RE - Prior notification for the proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1no large dwelling house (Class C3)

The lack of consultation on this application was discussed and it was resolved that the Clerk would contact the planning department.

Action:  Clerk to contact the planning department to feedback on both applications


21/078 Co-option of Councillor

As there have now been more applications from residents, Cllr EG suggested that we have some criteria to assess each of the candidates, to not only confirm they were eligible, but to be able to make decision fairly.

After discussion it was agreed that Cllr EG would send the details to the Clerk to put something together and Cllr RH agreed to support the Clerk in doing this.

Action:  Cllr EG to send details to Clerk and Clerk to put a process together supported by Cllr RH


Meeting Closed